High Protein Wet Dog Food
Flavor Name
- Natural dog food formula with added vitamins for dogs, minerals and nutrients made with real chicken and real duck in a dog food gravy
- No artificial flavors or preservatives and no poultry by-products in this Purina high protein canned dog food
- 100 percent nutrition for adult dogs. 0 percent fillers. Every ingredient in this dog wet food has a purpose
- Nutrient-dense, high protein dog food formula by Purina ONE, a veterinarian-recommended brand, provides complete and balanced nutrition for adult dogs
- This wet dog food contains antioxidants to help provide immune support for dogs
Feed your dog's natural instinct to choose nutrient-dense food with a can of Purina ONE Natural True Instinct Tender Cuts With Real Chicken and Duck in Gravy adult wet dog food with added vitamins, minerals and nutrients. The rich-tasting recipe made with real chicken and duck in a savory dog food gravy is formulated to support your adult dog's health. Plus, our dog food recipe delivers the high-quality protein he needs to stay active. The nutrient-dense formula provides 100 percent complete and balanced nutrition to support your adult dog's long, healthy life with you. This wet food for dogs is made with no artificial flavors or preservatives and no poultry by-products, so you can be confident that the food you feed him either as a staple main course or as a hearty topper with savory gravy delivers both the nutrients he needs and the taste he wants together in one can.